Review of Sour Grapes

Sour Grapes (1998)
If you have watched Seinfeld then you've already seen this movie.
26 March 2013
What a waste of time. Do not watch this movie if you have watched Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm. You have already seen it. It is full of the same jokes, the same sight gags and the same comedic premises. It was a waste of two hours. Larry David is a very funny man but he obviously ran out of material a long time ago. He is rehashing old ideas, familiar scenes and retelling old jokes. You can tell he directed it very early on when both main characters act in exactly the same manner as George in Seinfeld or Larry himself would in Curb Your Enthusiasm. You can almost picture him telling the actors this is how I want you to play this scene. The auntie is also just a rehash of every Jewish mother in all his works. It is the same character, and a racial stereo type as well. The way he uses black characters is nothing short of racist, but we already knew this from Season 1 Episode 9 of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and before that ten years of Seinfeld. In short it is full of misunderstandings, slight misses of important phone calls and gross over reactions to minor irritants. When the elevator scene came around late in the movie, I couldn't take it any more. How many times have we seen the exact same scene? Utter rubbish!
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