Ignore the bad stuff and enjoy the good.
28 March 2013
Every once and a while, I like to go on to IMBp to read the reviews of a particular movie I am about to watch. This was one of them. The question is do you like movies including specific or all genres, low-budget vs million dollar films, black and white vs color, new actors or familiar.....or maybe just to see what might be new? This is one of those movies.

Take ASMD at face value and enjoy or not. The plot is not what you think and I'm not telling. Just the word "Superheroes" brings to mind years of comic books, comic strips, old attempts in film from Adam West and Steve Reeves to new attempts such as the X-Men: The First Class (I mention this one in that it was a good movie as a "stand alone" but nowhere near the beginnings of the original).

All Superheroes Must Die provides us with early on works of film making. All the old Horror genre, that have now become classics would never stand up to the scrutiny of today's critics. Also, if this film you are about to see or have seen was made thirty years ago in grainy black and white, most critics....including us, would rate ASMD with a very different eye.

I like new ideas, I like to be surprised, I enjoy watching a movie for my own pleasure and not to play a critical role. A bad movie simply jumps in front of us and we automatically flinch. The movie "buffs", like me, will attempt to role through the film with hardened fortitude with hope that it gets better. To test yours....try watching "Plaguers" made in 2008.

At any rate, enjoy ASMD, I guarantee you will take away a new idea. ........Q(:-}
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