Worth Watching for Fans
1 April 2013
Betty Boop and Grampy (1936)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Grampy invites Betty Boop and a couple others to his house so that they can see the crazy inventions he has come up with. This includes a chandelier that comes down to serve punch, a special cake cutter and a flute that can play itself when put into a tea pot. BETTY BOOP AND GRAMPY isn't one of the better shorts in the series but there's still enough here that will keeps fans entertained. I think the highlight is a musical number that happens towards the end of the film as the music itself is quite catchy and I also thought that the little dance sequences were fun. The quality of the animation is top-notch as one would expect and I thought there was quite a bit of imagination in use and especially during the finale. There really aren't as many big laughs as one would have hoped for but there's no question that this contains some rather pre-code sexuality from Betty Boop, which was a little surprising considering this came out after the code started to be stricter.
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