Trancers 4: Jack of ...........crap?
3 April 2013
Terrible, terrible, terrible. This film really has nothing to do with Trancers. Trancers is a sci-fi film noir that is cheesy and has great one liners. This film has only one of those things and that it is cheesy, in a bad way. It is OK to be a cheesy movie but you have to have redeeming factors. This film has no redeeming factors whatsoever. Tim Thomerson looks and feels like he does not want to be there and who can blame him, they are filming in Romania while his co star from the first Trancers, Helen Hunt, is sipping champagne at the Oscars laughing to herself, man, that could of been me, hahahaha.

Jack Deth goes to the Dark Ages in a different dimension accidentally and all the nobles are Trancers. The Trancers in this movie are more like vampires draining the life energy from the humans/peasants. It sort of has an Army of Darkness vibe to it with Jack Deth coming from the future and going back to play dungeons and dragons and helps to rescue the peasants from the evil nobles. Jack Deth just comes of as rude and is throwing F Bombs everywhere and just doesn't seem like the same Jack Deth we have all grown to sort of like. These last two Trancers films are a disgrace to the Trancers franchise which was a likable franchise before these two gems. Highly avoid at all costs!

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