12 April 2013
maybe that'd be too harsh but have to be honest and say it was the one the most boring movies I've seen; and almost 2.5hrs literally nothing happens, so flat, no flavor, no character analysis, no capturing story at all. I agree not all movies have to be so full of happenings, actions, etc. but then you have to give something else to audiences in exchange; otherwise, what would be the point? I can just watch security cameras in the streets and say "this is life and can be considered as a movie since it truly reflects the life itself" I saw people leaving the theater during the movie; which is not a good sign. I appreciate the attempt of trying to reflect the simple lives of normal people but you gotta be careful and loaded with a full of creative and artistic ideas in order to pull off such a dull story and make it interesting which requires some supreme craftsmanship in all aspects of the art of movie making.
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