Don't watch it....
5 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I first heard of this movie when I was 17 so about 13 years ago and it took me 2 years to find it and gather the balls to watch it. At the time I heard that was the worst movie next to Cannibal Holocaust which I still refuse to watch not because of the gore but because they killed and tortured real life animals on film and I am a vehement supporter of PETA and am against animal being mistreated let alone tortured and killed for the sake of entertainment.

Anyway stoned I sat down in a dark room and watched the copy of Ginî piggu 2: Chiniku no hana I had downloaded.

First off the beginning is a little creepy but nothing I hadnt seen before, cue to the kill room and still nothing I hadnt seen but I started to get a ominous feeling since I had heard so much horrible stuff. To tell you the truth the torture wasn't that shocking it was actually a let down. I mean my heart was racing and I was sweating but I chalk that up now to stuff that were in my system making me hyper focus on the screen not wanted to move or blink in the chance that I missed something terrible. To tell you the truth the worst thing was I had a stiff neck from tensing myself in anticipation that something horrible was going to happen, the hype and anticipation freaked me out more than the actual movie. I actually found myself getting bored at times. When the movie ended I was more shocked that is was over because I thought that surly that wasn't the end of the movie.

As far as the gore goes I have seen worst on film since then and had been exposed to worst before that looking up stuff on death and violence and torture for horror stories I wrote. Also things like how the hand acted after cut from the wrist were inaccurate and kind of threw me off. The thing that threw me off the most though was the blood and how long the chick survived before she died. He gave her anything to slow the flow of blood down nor did he tourniquet her to slow the bleeding. Im sorry but she wouldn't have survived very long bleeding like she did. No matter what magic drug he gave she would still show signs of bleeding to death. She would physically shiver as her body heat dropped. No matter how much pleasure she was getting the blood loss would make her confused and anxiety would kick in and no matter what she felt her mind and body would know she was in danger and start to freak out, also she would involuntarily start breathing fast and heavy as her body tried to get rid of CO2 and get more oxygen.

At the end of the film I never got queasy, felt I was going to be sick, felt like I had watched something horrible, felt changed, nor did it stick with me after watching it. Im writing this review after attempting to watch it a second time a few hours and stopping it in the middle of the torture because it was so damn boring that I couldn't take it. I have came to the conclusion that my beating heart and sweating the first time around was because I was on stuff and because of the hype was anticipating something that never came. The truth is the hype of this movie is far more horrible than the movie will ever be. And the lack of any plot or worthy dialogue makes it seem worst than it is, like in a previous review I agree that if this had a plot, dialogue, or any kind of story thrown into the mix this movie wouldn't seem that shocking. This isn't horror its smut and the horror equivalent of shock jock radio. All filler no substance.

There are so many movie out there that are more gory, disturbing, and wrong out their that actually stick with you after watching and far more with superior sfx. Also they think out the deaths more. Quality prosthesis are not hard to come by, realistic blood is easy to come by, and it not hard to make the cutting and hacking look realistic. The sound was probably the most upseting thing in this movie, but how hard is it to go to a butchers and get a pig and record the sounds of you hacking,slicing, sawing, and chiseling and breaking bones. They did all that perfectly but they forgot the most important things, the science of what happens when someone dies. A little research and it would have been 100x more realistic and all it would have taken was a little acting from the actress and deciding if she absolutely had to survive till her organs we removed what are ways to make sure she doesn't bleed to death be it cutting off the blood flow or cauterizing the stumps.

You want to see a movie that is horrible, gory, and sticks with you after watching it making you question the world, yet has a good story? Then watch A Serbian film. While not a lot of it, the gore is top notch. But the messed up parts which are 100x's worst than what is done to this girl is what the main character sees, and is manipulated and forced to do in the movie. All of it is sexual in nature and it not only affects him but his family too. The last scene is probably the worst thing I have ever heard of anyone planning to do. There are worst movies out there than A Serbian Film but it affected me and made me profoundly sad after watching it.
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