V on Wall Street
12 May 2013
7.25 of 10. This is essentially V for Vendetta set in the present/recent past and without the sci-fi, alternate reality aspect. It could easily be a true story.

The story and direction keep it feeling real for the most part outside of a key point that's frustrating because it happens too fast and is an overly simplistic, accelerated series of events. It may feel that way intentionally for mood setting or because the film slowly sets the stage. Nonetheless, it's not a good idea for a film to go from a slow, detailed time-line to weeks/months flying by then back again.

The everyday, real character setups and contrasts along with the irony of guns vs. Wall Street make the film work. The characters aren't required to do anything the relatively average actors can't handle, so there's no need to worry about the lack of big names. Instead, it helps keep the film believable. There are also some enjoyably truth-is-stranger-than-fiction type scenes where music is seamlessly woven in to create for some needed laughs in a film that's mostly serious drama.
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