A film that aims high, but falls flat, becoming oh so dull
25 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If I didn't know better, i would think that this was made by a bunch of friends using a cheap video camera they borrowed from someone (maybe the directors uncle). Several scenes are shot in what appears to be the directors house or in a public place, any passers by unintentionally becoming extras. I'm not against budget film making per se, in fact, some very good movies are made on next to no budget. However, you need to be talented as a director, and know how to stick to your limits to be able to pull it off. Ulli Lommel doesn't manage to fulfill any of these criteria.

The film is slow paced, which would be OK if it had some interesting characters, had some meaningful message or was in any way suspenseful. All it has is a slew of characters we never get to know much about, nor have any reason to care about; a lot of voice over probably intended to to convey some profound message and make the film poetic, but fails at both; a complete lack of suspense, as the film makers show us too much of the killer; and lastly, a lot of very awkward acting.

Had Mr. Lommel pulled it off, it could have been a psychological thriller, conveying some deep existentialist ideas in the voice over and character development, but it all falls flat and just becomes confusing, and very dull.
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