Furious 6 (2013)
Better, but far from being good.
28 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: There will be spoilers in this review, specifically one scene, that I really need to talk about.

Alright lets get facts, I liked the first three movies, I honestly can't remember what happened in the forth one, disliked extremely the 5th one and I'm at a neutral stand point on the 6th one.

Story is basically Hobbs played by Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson needs help catching a gang of terrorist who stole billions of dollars worth of Military equipment. He seeks out our main character Dominic Toretto played by Vin Diesel. (I always found it funny that his last name is Diesel.) Which is pretty much a criminal and likes to break every law out there, including laws of physics it would appear. And of course he gets the team back together after their last adventure of stealing 100 million $ to try and catch these terrorist. But why would Dom want to help a cop you might ask? Well lets just say, he saw a ghost.

Lets talked about what I liked about the movie, well the action was a lot of fun. And they had 2 races this time, (Car chases don't count as a race) Though they had a lot of those which I can't say the same for Fast 5. Needless to say they were more in a car than before, and that is what I want to see from these movies. Not a Drama Flick, which needless to say, there was a lot of that as well. It had some comedy to it that also I found enjoyable. The Characters were relate-able as well.

Now lets talk about what I didn't like about this movie. I know, just as much as anyone else who likes American movies that Hollywood, really goes the extra mile at bending laws of physics, especially when it comes to movies that are suppose to be based on reality and not fiction or fantasy. What I really don't like is when they go beyond the extra mile in racing movies like this. Purely Critic talking, you have to obey laws of physics if your going to base your movie in real time. You are using real places, real cars, in areas where things could really happen. You cannot bend the rules and make cars rip through a cockpit of an air plane.

Let me elaborate on this. The final action scene of the movie, is where the Antagonist is trying to make an escape through a moving plane, and our heroes need to stop them before they get away. THANK GOD THE RUNWAY IS AT LEAST 20+ KM LONG!!. This scene literally starts off with the Bad guys, and the good guys chasing each other on a runway, for a good 2 minutes as what I'm assuming judging by these cars 220 km/h+ then the air planes comes in, lands on movement, and we now have them trying to get in through the cargo area in the back of the air plane. They get in the plane, getting out of their cars, then fighting. Meanwhile the others are shooting these grappling guns on the wings (attempting to hit the engine). And as the plane starts to take off, it stays a the same height for another good 5 minutes not going any higher. Before you say, they were making a (meanwhile) kinda thing by going back and forth outside of the plane to where the cars were, and inside to see the fighting, shut it, it's still to freaking long! After 15 minutes of being on this runway, the Power ranger Turbo (seriously it really did make me think of that) got to bring the plane back down, and might I add that this wasn't a little power jet, no this was a beast of a plane, with like the 8 wheels. They bring the plane down, and Vin Diesel, drives literally THROUGH THE COCKPIT OF THE BLOODY PLANE MADE OUT OF STEAL, LANDS IN FRONT OF THE PLANE. Mind you he does lose control of the car, but he roles out of the way just in time.

You cannot do that. Sure it is really cool to watch, and it's all action, and most people are like "Holy crap that is so wicked that I wanna name my first born Vin Diesel" But you don't know better, you really don't. This isn't the kind of movie to be bending the normal laws of physics. Sure, take this story, put it in a planet called "Nos" then do that stuff. Non-Ficton Action flick demand to be realistic. This was the biggest scene of the movie, and I'm picking on it, because it was the worst. But they do it all over the movie. The part about the tank, and catching the girl in mid-air. There is so many things I could talk about in this movie that pisses me off when it comes to realistic. But I made my point. I'm giving this movie the rating that I'm giving it because yes it may have ticked me off with the realism, but it was fun to watch for the most part.

I give this movie a 5/10.
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