Finding Normal (2013 TV Movie)
Finding Normal
10 June 2013
A female Doctor (Candace Cameron) is moving to the Hampton's so she can have a better life and make more money. On the way she gets herself in trouble and has to stay in a small town called Normal for a couple of days. During that time she comes to learn what matters and what life is really all about This is a wonderful little movie. A movie that reminds us of a few things that we've forgotten along the way and that caring for your fellow man is still important. I loved Candace Cameron in this. Lou Beatty Jr (The Doctor) was very good as well. It's a heartwarming piece that left me feeling good. Doesn't hurt that I wrote the piece and co-produced it with my business partner. Even saying that it's the kind of movie that tugs at you. Hopefully others will enjoy it as well. The amount of money and time that was spent on this is so small comparatively to a Hollywood production but it just shows that if a movie has heart it can succeed.
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