Totally Misses the Mark & Tells Nothing but a Stalker Story
22 June 2013
Everybody knows the Jodi Arias story, so the whole movie is pretty much an exercise in futility from the very start. This movie provides no insights, revelations or alternate theories. It's a 2 hour television movie that dramatizes a creepy girl stalking a guy who is "just not that into her" for all but the last 10 minutes. Who hasn't been involved, or at least know somebody who has been affected by, a significant other who just couldn't let go? The reason this story captured our attention as a nation was what happened the day Travis Alexander was killed and everything after. We are fascinated by the totally emotionless narcissistic liar that is Jodi Arias & her unstable behavior after the murder. This movie totally misses the mark by spending 99% of its time telling a boring story. A director that is responsible for a classic like Eight Men Out should have been able to provide a better perspective on a tragedy that captured the American imagination. It's not poorly acted, poorly directed, nor even really poorly written... it just totally missed the mark of what made this case stand out. They spent zero time establishing what caused Arias to become such a monster. She wasn't just a pretty normal girl who cracked one day. Jeffery Dahmer wasn't just a mixed up kid who got jealous one day & neither was Jodi Arias. This movie totally misses exploring anything that made this incident stand out. If you want to watch a movie about a creepy stalker, check out Marky Mark in the movie Fear & don't waste your time with this.
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