Charm of the novel lost in a wash of special effects
1 July 2013
The 2005 version of this classic children's novel is a very competently made film. It for the most part seamlessly blends special effects, CGI, and live action together. The acting is competent. It follows the book with few exceptions. Why only a 5 star rating? It takes itself way too seriously. C.S. lewis' novels were so enchanting because it was all about tone first with story a close second. In the film, while the plot is followed, the charm was lost. The characters were stiff and serious. I did not feel the excitement of children exploring a new world. I did not feel reverence and awe in the presence of Aslan. What I remember mostly from the film was the last battle which was extended and shown in great detail. In the book, the battle is given only a couple of paragraphs. But since this is Hollywood, they felt the need to extend it and ramp up the violence. In many ways, I felt I was watching an action film for adults marketed to children. The only scenes that came close to enchantment were with the beavers. But that didn't help the serious tone of the film to lighten up. This is one of those films where less would have been more, slower have been more exciting, and character more entrancing than action. What surprised me the most was how the fabulous Tilda Swinton came off so unconvincing as the White Witch! I still have yet to see that character portrayed convincingly.

Basic advice, if you want a "good looking" film with action and special effects, then you will like this film version of the novel. But if you are willing to forgo the superficial pleasures and enjoy the tone of the novel (the most distinguishing aspect of the Lewis' book), then check out the 1988 BBC television version. It production value is very crude by today's standards, but it captures the magic of the book better and lets the story unfold naturally.
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