Children of the Corn: Revelation
7 July 2013
The seventh film in the Children of the Corn series takes us to a soon- to-be condemned building where our main character Jamie's grandmother lives. Jamie goes to visit her grandma, but finds the building she lives in a mess. And her grandmother is missing. She decides to stay at the building to wait and see if she comes back, but finds some strange things going on. There are two creepy looking kids that are always appearing all over the place. And since this is a 'Children of the Corn' film, seeing creepy little kids is never a good thing. Eventually we find some secrets out about Jamie's grandmother, and then it's up to Jamie to battle an evil force trying to kill her.

This seventh instalment in a LONG drawn out series is not all that good. I remember it being better than 'Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return', but it fails to match some of the earlier sequels. It feels cheap, the production of it all just feels like it was made on a low budget. And it likely was! The acting wasn't all that bad which could've been an issue. Claudette Mink was good as the lead character Jamie. A problem with this film and the one before it is that it fails to bring not only scares, but entertainment. COTC 1-5 had some really good moments, even if some of those movies weren't very good. This one just felt rushed and some of the plot was confusing.

I'd recommend this to 'Children of the Corn' fans only. It's a good enough entry if you are a fan of the series, but fails in comparison to some of the other sequels.

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