This is no sci-fi, but a situational comedy. It is quite good, though.
13 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A guy wakes up in the apartment of a beautiful girl, remembering nothing from the night before. Before he has a chance to leave, they realize aliens have come in giant flying saucers and the government evacuated everybody, except them. Two other actors enter the stage and it all turns into a Woody Allen style comedy. Well, Mr. Allen's films are a lot better usually, but still, funny enough.

Maybe it was disappointing a little that the aliens never actually did anything but appear in the sky - one feels a little cheated given the title of the film - but the movie itself was original and had some really funny moments. FHM and Man cover girl Michelle Jenner is a real beauty as well, which pretty much explains why every other (male) actor in the film does what he does.

However that doesn't mean the film is flawless. At times it gets a little boring and the characters are a little too caricaturesque for my taste. The film surprised me, and I liked it, but it can go either way.
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