Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
A cheap cash-in on an already popular show.
17 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited when I heard that one of my all time favorite shows, Teen Titans, was getting a spin off series. However, this show is a major disappointment, and not only that, it is an insult to the source material.

The original series relied on lovable characters and creative scenarios to generate humor. And most of the time it was very funny! And not only that, Teen Titans was dark, it was clever, it was heartfelt. and it was suspenseful. It obviously had a lot of time and effort put into it.

Teen Titans GO! is none of these things. It is lazy, it is uncreative, and it is unfunny. Well, is it fair to compare Teen Titans GO! to it's predecessor? Of course it is. Why use the Teen Titans, and not some other characters for this show? If the Titans were swapped out with new characters, nothing would be changed. The new incarnations of the memorable super hero team add nothing unique to the show. All the characters in this show are portrayed as mean spirited and 1-sided. One of my biggest issues with this show is how nasty are to each other. In the original show, no matter what happened, the Teen Titans were best friends, and they really trusted and respected each other. This dynamic was one of the best aspects of the show. So why would they change that for the new show? All it does it make the characters unlikable. Robin is portrayed as a complete idiot, and nobody respects him. In one episode, they kick Beast Boy off the team, as if being a Titan is his job and he got fired. These kids aren't friends, they are co-workers who are only there because they get paid to do it. It is this kind of heartlessness that makes this show awful.

But what does this all matter? This show isn't trying to be dramatic or heartfelt, you say? It is supposed to be a comedy? Well, it fails in that respect too. I admit, I laughed a few times watching the first episode. But the rest of the humor, 9 times out of ten, makes me cringe. Robin doing the chicken dance for over 2 minutes is not funny, it is annoying and lazy. So is singing a dumb song about pie. "Well its a kid show, the jokes don't have to be good." That right there is an excuse for being lazy. The original show was targeted at the same age group, yet it respected them, and put effort into there humor.

However, my biggest problem with this show is the obvious fact that the entire existence of this show revolves around cashing in on the popularity of the original Teen Titans. For years after it was canceled, people were begging for this show to come back. Go look at the Cartoon Network forums of the past, before this show. Nearly every page had someone asking for this shows return. So what does Cartoon Network do? They create a cheap knockoff, made in Adobe Flash, and give it to some talentless hacks to churn out on a low budget. The producers of this show aren't loyal fans who created this show to do there own spin on the show. They admit to not watching the original. No, they are doing this because it is profitable. And did I mention this show was made in Adobe Flash? That right there is a sign of how lazy this show is. Not to say that all Flash animation is bad. My Little Pony has some wonderful art created in Flash. But Teen Titans GO!'s art looks lazy. The backgrounds are very simple at are often mostly one color.

This show has no passion behind it, and it is a cheap insult to a great series. I hate this show. I want it to get canceled as soon as possible so it can stop defecating all over the original series.

Teen Titans, Go home.
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