Review of Cargo

Cargo (2009)
Visually Stunning
22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Lucky you if you have a large HD viewing medium. The opening scenes of this film are awesome. As a matter of fact, any of the scenes outside of the Kassandra are equally candy for the eyes.

But, a movie isn't built on visuals alone. While the plot outline is good, what I will refer to as the 'meat' of the story leaves much to be desired. For instance, the romance between Portmann and Decker seems to come out of nowhere. There is no lead up of any kind, Decker just kisses her out of the blue. As far as I can tell, there was very little interaction between them until that moment. Then they have sex. At first, I thought it was a casual hook-up, and that I could understand - cabin fever induced horniness. Then I thought, "They are going to "do it" in the passage way? That is like doing it in a cruise ship hallway, but, 'oh well'" Then they are in love. It is like the writer(s) was told that a romantic angle was needed and under duress just slapped something together.

Then there is the brief amount of time they have to get their tasks completed while Laura is in the simulation. There are less than 7 minutes left, yet she pauses to look around and admire the view. Then stops and kneels down to spend some time feeling the ground and the leaves. Finally she strolls up to her sister's house and then spends precious minutes having a loving family reunion. Come on! Peoples' lives are depending on her.

I really wanted to be able to give this a higher rating because it really is beautifully shot, but the storyline, outside of the main one (evil corporation/government cover up) is just too lame.
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