All brawns and no brains... Look, but don't touch...
29 July 2013
Well, what "Frankenstein's Army" lacks in a proper storyline, it more than makes up for in creature design and effects. But the problem is that albeit the creatures were a visual treat to look at, then the movie suffered from having a generic storyline that just bordered on being pointless.

The story is about a group of Russian soldiers who stumble upon a secret Nazi operation, where men are turned into vile killing machines - literally. And overseeing this heinous act of inhumanity is Frankenstein himself.

Right, well nothing new or overly inventive here. And the storyline is really, really weak. I mean, Frankenstein is conducting experiments during World War II. Sure, why not, I suppose?

One thing that was a thorn in the side, was the fact that the Russian soldiers were speaking English, just with a thick, adopted stereotypical Russian movie accent. Does it work in this day and age? No, not really, it sort of seems like something left over from the 1980's. At least have the people speak in their proper native languages, it just gives the movie that much more authenticity.

The people hired for the various roles did good enough with their given roles and characters. However, don't expect to be dazzled or blown away by any award-winning performances.

"Frankenstein's Army" is entertaining for what it is - a mindless gallery of bizarre golem-like creatures set against a World War II backdrop. There isn't much story, so just strap yourself in for some interesting creatures that seem to combine elements from Clive Barker's "Hellraiser" universe and of course from Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein".

I am rating "Frankenstein's Army" a 5 out of 10 rating, simply because of the creature design, because there was very little else to keep the movie afloat.
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