The ancient tale of the king who wanted to make his daughter smile comes somewhat alive in this Bertrand Blier film.
31 July 2013
At different stages of our lives, we have all heard about the ancient tale of the mentally agitated king who wanted to make his daughter smile at all costs as she was feeling sad. This king was willing to do anything, pay any price to the man who would bring a smile on his daughter's face. Watching "Get Out Your Handkerchiefs", one gets the feeling that this ancient tale has come alive before our very own eyes albeit with minor differences. "Préparez Vos Mouchoirs" is the modern day narrative about a hapless man who would go to any extent to render his wife pregnant as she is unable to bear any child from him. French director Bertrand Blier is famous for films where sex or sexual lives of his protagonists amalgamate with other existential themes. One watches with amusement the tug of war between two leading men, Patrick Dewaere-an intellectual with a beard who is a big classical music fan versus Gérard Depardieu-an ordinary person. In many ways, this film is the perfect example of the maturity of French cinema and its audiences as it is not so easy for any national cinema to handle the theme of sexuality when a child is involved. Hence it is not easy for viewers to decide whether this film is a classical case of being a pure work of fiction or a film influenced by reality. Whatever one might state, "Préparez Vos Mouchoirs" is the only film where a kid scores well than adult men in the field of sex.
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