Comedian making films ...
3 August 2013
... never a good idea. At least in Germany it isn't. They don't seem to be able to get the magic from their shows into a feature length movie. Same goes for this one, wherein Kaya Yanar (from "Was guckst Du?" fame/TV-Show) tries to capture the magic he had. Never really achieves it. While his skits were funny, they were also short ones. Extending the characters and their presence never works out. Or to be fair very rarely works out for him.

But he still managed to get Rutger Hauer for it (who is able to speak some of his lines and maybe dubbed them later himself too). To call his character (or any other for that matter) silly, would be an understatement. Then again Adam Sandler seems to be able to make a lot of money out of similar variables. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for Kaya he seems to fall more into the Eddie Murphy (also playing around 20 characters, roughly) category, when it comes to recent "success".
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