Weird cross-genre blend without much direction
8 August 2013
Awakening to find themselves bound together in an office building, a group of people learn they're being held by a vicious killer to a crime they're all involved in and uses deadly means to force them to find the real killer in the case.

This one turned out to be quite an interesting blend of efforts that never quite gets to where it wants to go. The fact that it starts off with the typical Torture Film genre set-up of the people chained together in a singular, dim location with a madman amongst them forcing them to play along in a demented game of his makes for a cliché opening that quickly appears to derail interest early on, but the fact that it then turns into a dark comedy about him forcing the gathered group to partake in crime solving on the case that sent him to prison that they were all involved in getting him tried on the charge, makes this one's rapid shift in tone quite unappealing when he's using far more vicious methods of forcing them along than what had happened to put him away yet continually claims innocence the whole time, a fact that's pointed out and glossed over with no real deterrence at all. While it gets a lot more enjoyable when they get loose and are stalked through the office building in the final half, forcing in some pretty brutal gags and blood-splatter along the way, it's not nearly enough to compensate for it's wacky opening.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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