It Could Have Been Worse
8 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
if Kirk Cameron was involved.

How bad is this stinker? Let me count the ways:

1. No plot. In the beginning, Angus is a violent, angry man. His wife drags him to a local church where he is instantly converted. He "gives" his life over to Jesus, letting whatever happens, happen. When good things happen, it's God intervening. When bad thing happens, what then? There is no suspense, the main character is not changed except by his initial conversion, no temptation, no doubt, no conflict, he always gets what he prays for. The action lurches from one event to another, none seemingly connected. I get it that Angus moved his family to escape the violence. Aside from the radio news, it did not seem to affect Angus in any way. Were none of his friends affected? So then, he moves to South Africa where there is also violence. He seems oblivious to it, even traveling to Scotland for months while his family could possibly be in danger.

2. The screenplay. The characters consist of Angus and a bunch of satellite characters. No development at all, no emotion. Don't believe me? What is his wife thinking at ANY point in the movie? The only way I could tell the son from the nephew was the dialog before the tractor accident. Angus plows ahead, praying and getting whatever he prays for.

3. The message. Angus has a very simplistic religious view that could have been expanded, therefore making this movie bearable. Angus believes pray to Jesus & your wish will be granted. The movie bears this out. So, if God controls Angus's life, why did Allister die? Following Angus's belief system, God caused the accident and killed the nephew. If God caused the drought, provided the potatoes, then God killed the 1600 white farmers referenced in the movie. Does Angus never question his faith? This seems a little far fetched and frankly unbelievable.

4. The acting. Another poster called it wooden. That is being kind. After the nephew's death, Angus is inconsolable. So what does his wife do? She holds his hand. That's it. No words, no embrace, no tears. She is a seated statue. Even the minister offers minimal comfort. At least he didn't say the boy's death was "part of God's plan" or some other type of nonsense.

5. The cinematography. South Africa is a beautiful country, with majestic veldt, rivers, mountains, and coastline. We saw none of that. We see a field of maize, a field of potatoes, a farm, a town, and a stadium. This could have been filmed anywhere. Why not show the country?

Here is what I learned from the movie- - Pray to God and your wishes will be granted - God will get you out of bad situations even when it is your fault - God kills people, or allows them to die, for unknown reasons - Heathens can be easily converted - You need not be concerned with others' plights such as injustice, disease, hunger, or war. Just pray for yourself and your wishes will be granted - All answers are in a book written 2500 years ago by nomadic desert dwellers. - Giant potatoes can grow without photosynthesis.
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