Anuvahood (2011)
Very disappointing film that could have been good
14 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was really disappointed with this film. It could have been really good. Maybe it could have actually challenged stereotypes of black inner city 'yoot' and inner city communities using the force of comedy or being actually funny; making fun of inner city 'yoot?'

What we have instead is this abomination. A boring played out storyline full of played out stereotypes. It doesn't even feel like a film. It feels like some TV comedy on Channel 4 or BBC3. If you're over 15 and don't live on or near an inner city council estate then you won't find this funny whatsoever. The only people i've heard like this film are the people (or kids) the film is making fun of. Even worse, if you live out of London or some inner city estate in Manchester or Birmingham or know the 'grime music' references you just won't understand and get some of the jokes. Speaking of the jokes it's all 'we've heard it all and seen it all before' territory. So much more could have been done when Kenneth (Adam Deacon) sneaks into his rival's flat for his stuff back.

The characters are so unlikeable too. They just seem so cliché, like they were just thrown together quickly after watching Kidulthood, a load of documentaries of 'kids on London Estates' and listening to a load of Wiley and 1xtra. They're also really stereotype and, well... stupid and annoying. Lots of comedies have played on stereotypes in the past, but this is just boring as hell. I could go as far as it feels a bit racist. Every character either instantly forgettable or so embarrassing you wish their character dies as every joke is taken a bit too far. The sex scene for example is something that is just cringeworthy.

This film just makes you wanna watch 'Friday' instead. At least the storyline of that film was entertaining and Chris Tucker and Ice Cube were really likable and played their roles well. Don't bother watching this film. It insults the intelligence of the audience.

Adam Deacon has potential as an actor, but definitely not as a director.
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