Weak Part of the Universal Series
14 October 2013
Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr) chips Frankenstein's monster (Bela Lugosi) out of a block of ice. When Talbot changes to the Wolf Man, the two creatures do battle.

First of all, the title is more than a little misleading. It seems to imply this is a Frankenstein story with the Wolf Man thrown in. On the contrary, it is almost exclusively a story about the Wolf Man, with a few minutes of Frankenstein's monster and a story arc with the doctor's daughter (played excellently by Ilona Massey).

As for being the further adventures of Talbot, it is okay and the script from Curt Siodmak is relatively well-written, with direction from Roy William Neill being quite good. But it goes downhill once Lugosi arrives, with his Frankenstein paling in comparison to the work of Boris Karloff. (Much of this, particularly Lugosi's wild gestures, can be explained by the monster's blindness, but this is not obvious to the audience and Lugosi's face is just not right in the way Karloff -- or even Glenn Strange -- was.)
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