I Really Liked This Film
22 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a truly fascinating film.

Being a fan of silent movies like I am, I just loved the sort of inside look this movie gives. Sure, I'd never heard of the studio and had barely heard of Fort Lee, New Jersey at the time. It was so awesome seeing what one was like during that early time period, when features were just coming in to fruition.

Another thing that was neat is here's the young lady who barely ventures outside of her house and there's a movie being made. That's sort of dream-like in a way.

Still another thing I liked was a scene with a mouse. I know I'm in the minority when it comes to mice, but I think domesticated mice are really cute. This scene, which really doesn't advance the film, features a white mouse loose in what I guess is the young lady's home, where four of her sisters(?). Being a white mouse, it most likely isn't wild to start with. After realizing he really isn't wanted there, the mouse tries to escape, but is too fat to fit in the first hole he sees. Eventually, he does escape and the four girls heave a collective sigh of relief.

As for the movie, it's a little hard to follow in the beginning due to nitrate deterioration. Before she stumbles into the movie, he resides in a sort of fantasy world in which she imagines being a damsel in olden days and being joined by Prince Charming. A farm boy who lives nearby bursts the bubble of fantasy, however, displeasing her immensely.

Not too long after that she stumbles onto the set. At first, she draws the ire of director, cast and crew, but leading man Robert Warwick suggests giving her a shot in the movies (no pun intended).

However, this is not a later Hollywood movie in which the leading lady becomes a big star. She doesn't make it, but Warwick keeps her around as a kept woman.

Her mother, missing her daughter (and possibly not liking the idea of her little girl being a kept woman) comes to see her and the girl makes her way back home.

This movie has so much to like, so I'm giving it a high rating.
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