Dracula (2013–2014)
Definitely a different spin...
26 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So far my opinion about this show is that it has A LOT of potential for a great story. Dracula spins himself to the public as an American Industrialist on a mission to provide the world with clean, sustainable energy through the use of geothermal power. Something that the major oil Tycoons of England want squashed before it becomes too large for them to control. His real reason for being in England of course is not what he claims in public and that is where the story gains it's real substance.

The scenery is exquisite and fits the time period very well. The only problem I can see with this show that might cause it to not get the ratings to continue is the fact that the plot is very fast paced and rich with historical nuances that the average TV watcher might not get. If the viewers are not paying attention or do not know their real history a lot of the subtle details they have done with the writing will be missed.

For example, some of the negative reviews I have read are about Dracula switching from an English accent to an American accent when he is told by Renfield that he must act like an American now. The viewers are assuming that it is poor writing since Dracula has never been to America. It is an assumption on their part as it is very possible that he has been there. The writers have not told us about that part of the story yet. The opening scene shows he was resurrected in 1881. Then they fast forward in time to him with his personal assistance Renfield in 1896. That is a 15 year gap where he could have traveled the world for all we know. I am sure given time we will find out.

Other complaints that have been mentioned over and over is about the first scene where two men are spelunking down a cavern with flashlights in 1881. A lot of the complaints were that the writers are being sloppy or just not caring about the inaccuracy. If people knew their history this would not be a complaint but a pleasant surprise of the detail the writers put into the show.

For those that do not know, the patent for the Flashlight was not officially signed until 1896 but the first invention and form of the flashlight they use in the opening scene matches the types of flashlights that were made and used in during that time period. For the record, the original design was made in 1879. Another complaint is about the use of Dry Ice. This again is historically plausible since the method and use of Dry Ice started in 1835 but again like the flashlight, an official patent was not acquired until 1897.

That kind of detail is what caught my attention from the very beginning. The story has definitely been written with a unique spin on Bram Stoker's Dracula. The only connection I can see so far are the characters have the same names and it is set in the same time period. But it is obvious the writers are telling a new story. For the younger Bram Stoker's Dracula fans expecting to see the original Dracula this is obviously not what you are going to find. In all honesty though, there has not been a version of the story retold by Hollywood to date in any form that has ever followed the original story. Any version of Dracula that portrays Dracula as anything other than a power hungry, blood drinking, demon that must be destroyed before he allures weak willed women into the temptation of sex, is a huge stray away from Bram Stoker's original book. The original book also did not have a love connection between Dracula and Mina but that has never stopped writers from making it happen.

One of the reasons behind a "Pilot" is to capture an audience's attention and making them want to see more of the story. It would not be effective if they told the complete story all in the first episode. As for me, they definitely have my attention. All of the actors with the exception of the actor that plays Jonathan Harker fit very well in their role. Each character has endless potential with the brief story we were given and the actors themselves are very believable in their roles.

Hopefully the show will survive the onslaught of ignorance from the viewers and become a long lasting series that leaves the audience always wanting to see more. I know I do.
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