A review of reviews
14 November 2013
I happened to watch this amazing piece of history again the other night, (I'd already seen it several times before over my 60 years), and went online looking for added information. That is how I came upon the previous IMDb reviews. The first thing to catch my eye was the 6.4 rating. Are you serious? Some of the most amazing documentary war footage ever shot, and by a legend of the film industry who almost paid for it with his life, and that only rates a 6.4? I then discovered that the score was over burdened by one reviewer who said "I enjoyed it very much!" and then went on to give it a 4! Not only that but he double posted further hurting it's rating by giving it 8 out of a possible 20 points. He said many good things about the film , (the exception being the misuse of one word I will get into in a minute), leaving me shocked that he would only rate it a 4. This films importance and greatness isn't in it's entertainment value, or it's cinematography as art, but in it's raw presentation of history as it was taking place. There is a much deeper story behind it all as this was a turning point in the war with Japan and the most significant events of that day took place over a wide expanse of ocean and not just on the deck of this one ship. This short film let's us feel the emotion as Mr Ford looked death in the face and continued filming.

What I take the utmost exception to in several of the reviews is the misuse of the word "propaganda." That word is bandied about now days by people who have not taken the time to learn it's true definition. The Websters definition strongly implies a sinister nature to the word and it is something used to deceive and not simply influence. There is absolutely nothing deceptive about this film. It is straight forward fact from the raw footage to the inspirational narration. I find this part of the last review especially inaccurate, "Everything, including its Oscar win, seems to be there for propaganda purposes." This reviewer uses the tainted modern day definition of the word used by professors to make students think that they need to be ashamed of our country and it's history. To them everything that influences or motivates people would be labeled "propaganda," which only serves to lessen the diabolical intent of true propagandists like Hitler who through lies and deceit sought to misguide millions into following an evil path!
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