Put This on your "Don't Do List"
21 November 2013
Unfunny. Check. Unoriginal. Check. Unnecessarily crass and crude. Check. Classless. Check. Without a dot of nuance. Check. Not remotely emotionally involving. Check. I could go on and on checking my list of why you should put this empty-headed drek on your "don't do list." While I won't miss the buck twenty I paid to extricate this piece of excrement from the Red Box, I regret that I will never recapture the 104 minutes I spent waiting to care about anyone in it or anything that happens to them.

Oh, I admit to laughing... once -- during an inventive scene that involves Andy Samburg's cameo turn as a rock-singer with freshly dyed hair receiving a blow job in the shower.

Ultimately, the question is why would an ensemble of strong comedic actors, mostly in their mid-20s to mid-30s, sign on to play teens in a sophomoric script that panders to the lowest of the lowest common denominator? I can just see the pitch: "Picture this: Porky's... with GIRLS." And why would Bill Hader produce and put his mug in such a vapid waste of resources? Oh, yeah! How could I forget? He's married to writer/director Maggie Carey.

Hader is a gifted comedic actor. Maybe he might consider refraining from future collaborations with Mags and dedicate himself to projects more worthy of his talents before the only work he can get are T-Mobile commercials.
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