Tough Enough
23 November 2013
A Completely Forgotten Little Film that is quite Good and quite Different. A Number of Film-Noirs took on the PTSD of Returning WWII Veterans and most of them are Well Known and most of them are Fine Films. This one is Unique in that it is Virtually Unknown.

It has a Very Strange Feel to it and is a Serious and Surreal, at Times, Study that is more than Competently Directed and Acted. The Children are Central to the Plot and the Little Ones are Refreshingly Restrained from Stereotype.

Some of the Dialog is Succinct and Stringent. After a Tense Set-Up the Mentally Disturbed Ralph Meeker, at His Best, Confronts the Parents about the Kids and Tersely Taunts..."What did you think I'd do, chop them up into little pieces and put them in a suitcase?"

Tough Stuff for the Era and Reflects the Tone of the Movie. It is a Suspenseful and Fittingly Bizarre Film that Deserves more Attention.
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