Review of Too Far Gone

The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone (2013)
Season 4, Episode 8
After a week full of incredible amounts of hype, "The Walking Dead" delivered with easily its best episode EVER, bar none
2 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers

After a week full of incredible amounts of hype, "The Walking Dead" delivered with easily its best episode EVER, bar none. This was really built up to be the biggest episode of the show, and it was not only that, but so much more. The bullets flew, explosions rang, but emotions were also at an all-time high with shocking deaths and horrifying moments. Half-way through the 4th season, this show has fully realized its potential of delivering both high emotion and high intensity....... After this episode ended, I sat in my chair, staring at the TV with my jaw wide open and trying to digest what I just saw. While there have certainly been some shocking episodes before, this is the first episode of "The Walking Dead" to ever make me feel like that. In fact, only 2 shows have ever done that to me: "Game of Thrones" and "Breaking Bad". I would say that this show is in some mighty fine company there. Not only was this episode jaw-dropping, stunning, and emotional, but it set up the show for a second half of similar quality. This will be the first time that we have seen the group on the road for an extended period, and that is a very intriguing premise. No matter what happens in the second half, this episode will be one we look back on when the show is done and talk about as truly game-changing. While this does give away my score, the first half of this season has earned two 10/10's from me, which is the same number of 10's I would have given in all 3 previous seasons combined! Scott Gimple and his team have surpassed all of my expectations this year, and this episode was the cherry on top of the first half of the season. (continued at
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