The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone (2013)
Season 4, Episode 8
"Liar" - what did the Governor actually mean
2 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Liar" - with that one word, the Governor unleashes the dogs of war.

At best he could achieve a pyrrhic victory, and secure the prison but at a considerable loss to the families he has sworn to serve and protect.

So were the writers,those most excellent fellows, so obvious that we should believe that word was directed at Rick. No, in that one moment, the Governor reverted to type, and accepted his self, well before that awful moment when Lilly arrived, bearing the torn body of her daughter.

The Governor listened but did not hear what Rick had to say: eloquently, passionately, and without ego. Acceptance, co-existence rather than apocalypse now.

No wonder then that the sacrificial lamb - Hershel - had that beatific smile on his face. He understood the changes in Rick the man, Rick the leader, and was well pleased, proud at the man's growth.

Yes, the Governor was the liar.

Here in Canada we might ask, who's the liar? is the mayor of one of our most prominent cities; are they senators appointed rather than elected. Of the world are the liars the leaders and the dictators who use military power and fascist policies to ensure they shout the loudest and no one else can be heard.

I am a 63 year old male; this series continues to speak to me, loud and clear.

WE choose our leaders, and we choose who to follow: we get what we deserve.
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