31 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
That joyful little sequence alone is worth the price of admission! Totally my favourite part. Hell, maybe even everyone's who truly takes enjoyment in this delightfully trashy no-frills romp! And that scene probably represents one of the bigger accomplishments of a meagre budget. This, 'vision', sure was something else... The plot is shocking, as are the actors, dialogue, continuity, camera work, effects and editing - all shocking! The movie just redefines bizarre, and it shows absolutely no hint of restraint whatsoever. There are many things that don't make any sense, there are no deep messages ingrained in it to speak of, and it may in fact be too much for some to take, and make them feel a little queasy after a while - but I love it! I've seriously hated other films that have had a similar mega-cheap tone to them, but for whatever reason, I just immediately clicked with this one and loved it. As it began I spent a good couple of minutes taking in the fact that it really and truly *is* a low-budget film, an amateur one even, but it is ~purposely~ shoddy! And whether or not you can dig the kind of humour or not, you have to at least see some talent in the ceaseless level of enjoyably laughable badness at work here, and I just find it really funny and entertaining. It expertly embraces its own ineptness in a highly effective and charming way and thereby rises above it, becoming in this case what most 'bad' movies only wish they were! The acting, if it can even be called such a thing, is beyond over-the-top, with all the characters behaving like hyper-exaggerated walking cartoons. The way they interact with each other is so bad it's almost mesmerising, and it enhances the artfully lousy tone no limit! It's like they were using whatever they had to go on, and just inventing the rest. Like in one scene where the black guy says this insanely drawn-out, lame-ass joke that just seems to go on forever! But none of it ever seems forced, and I never found them so terrible that I couldn't bear to look. They seemed like they were having a good time with it. ::: Something that helps to keep the movie fun is how in its own way it celebrates some of the classic 80's horror movies from the past that we know and love, the "Evil Dead" being the main one that kept coming back to me while watching it. It moves fast and is never boring, which is always so much worse. The hectic, old-school style with which it unfolds is relentless! The confrontations with campy demons and vicious little creatures made out of magically possessed chilly are just a few of the touches that help this effort work. There's a great variety of weird, folksy and country rock music that ranges from darkly humorous to melodramatic and poignant. There's a few bare-bones scenes that really add nothing that feature inquisitive reporters interviewing the confused yokels that are simply priceless, and I also like a rather dynamic scene that's probably the cheesiest in the whole picture, where a ridiculously fake-looking toy plane is menaced by an even stupider-looking demon pterodactyl thingy, and it all happens to this awesome funky music that's taken straight out of some 70's exploitation movie! And I found the look and stop-motion animation of the wendigo itself to be pretty impressive. It was like a strange, skeleton reindeer centaur with ghostly glowing eyes. Keep an eye out for the fun little extra scene with it after the credits, where it's playing baseball with the cabin! In my opinion it's the coocoo sense of humour and sheer randomness that is the film's main selling point and is the best thing about it. Not brilliant and definitely not scary, but for the viewer with low expectations that can take it for what it is and go with it, it has a very good amount of fun and enjoyability. Utter hilarious schlocky joy. Have a go, this frost don't bite!!!
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