I Am Omega (2007 Video)
I Got Omega-headache
31 December 2013
Based on another review here saying give it a chance, I did. Sorry I did now as there really is a reason why this horrible movie has such a bad score.

Now it was obviously low budget. That I could deal with if it was the only bad thing about it

The worst thing about it was bad camera work. It felt like you were looking at the movie from inside a jerky box. For some reason the movie was shot with a very narrow lens and almost always right on top/front. Was this movie filled with the the intention of being shown on a three inch ipad screen? I could best describe what I saw was like seeing through a one eyed man..with very bad near sight in his one good eye. There was no real distinction between opening/establishment shots, closeups or anything else.

Between the narrow frame and jerkiness I started to feel slightly ill, somewhat like motion sickness. Just horrible!

Don't even think about seeing this movie unless you want to give your self a headache, and, or, you just like wasting your time.

You are lot better off finding the original very entertaining "The Omega Man" 1971, or if you like a bit of the horror genre see the classic "The Last Man on Earth" 1964.
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