Pockata Pockata Pockata
3 January 2014
Walter Mitty (Danny Kaye) is a meek man who escapes from his life through daydreams. In these daydreams he's always a hero or a big success. In his real life he's a pushover who lets his mother dictate his love life and lets his boss steal his ideas. One day he meets a mysterious woman (Virginia Mayo) who looks exactly like his love interest in his daydreams. She gets Mitty mixed up in a plot involving a little black book and some bad guys trying to get it.

Entertaining Danny Kaye vehicle that goes on too long but is still lots of fun. The Technicolor here is gorgeous. It really just pops out at you. Virginia Mayo looks especially lovely. Kaye plays to his strengths quite well. Ann Rutherford and Fay Bainter are wonderful. Boris Karloff has a great (but small) role as one of the baddies. Not Danny Kaye's best film but a very good one.
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