Inspiring message in a heartwarming film
3 January 2014
Being from Iceland, where big parts of the film were filmed, I was very excited too see this film, as was the audience in the theater. I was far from disappointed.

This film is not perfect, it has it flaws, and at certain points I was a bit drawn out of it and lost a little concentration. However these scenes were rare and the overall entertainment values is high.

The cast does a fine job, you cannot complain over the chemistry between Stiller and Wiig. Additionally it was nice to see some fine Icelandic actors in a big Hollywood movie, and the Icelandic language added a more real touch to it.

There are some great scenes, with fantastic landscapes and even I was surprised how beautiful the nature of Iceland can be. This element is successful due to brilliant camera work.

The most special part of this film is the message you can take from it. What I draw from this story is that you cannot let other people hold you back, especially yourself, you should be aware of your surroundings and enjoy some of the life's greatest moments without thinking too much about it.

For the right audience this film leaves something behind, which should be the aim of all films.

I highly recommend this one - 9/10
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