Funnier than scary
12 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This instalment in the Paranormal Activity saga sees Jessie experience strange occurrences after invading the home of a mysterious woman after her also mysterious death.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from this Paranormal Activity, in fact, after seeing the first two films, I really did lose interest.

This film started out actually very promising and didn't seem to make you wait an hour before anything 'scary' happens, like the first film which seemed to take forever to get into. No, it wasn't boring, but it really wasn't that scary. Yes, it had jump scares, but only really making me jump out of my seat in the cinema because of the ridiculously easily scared teenage girls sitting behind me.

I was rather confused as to why this film centred itself around witchcraft, I really have no idea. It completely takes away that 'poltergeist' feel the first couple had. It seems that this film doesn't follow the original idea of Paranormal Activity. I found myself in absolute hysterics actually at this film in places which was intentional in places but obviously not in others. Sometimes it felt like it was trying to make it more comedic than it should have been.

There was also parts that really made the directors 'piecing together' of the film, extremely see- through. An example of this would be when Jessie goes into that basement/secret room full of pictures of him. 'we shouldn't be in here, better close this TRAP DOOR' in a HOUSE WHERE THEY HAVE HAD EXTREMELY NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES. Really? that bit was ridiculous.

I think the ending could have been 100 times better than it was too, because the idea was pretty clever, the integration of all the films and everything, but it was done too quickly and it was all over the place. I felt confused over the doors and so on, there seemed to be one person in one place and someone else in another, then a goats head on the floor and then a creepy door with pentagrams on but never once did it seem to flow cleverly and successfully.

It really left a lot of loose ends, whether that was intentional to lead on to yet another film, I don't know. I mean I would have really liked to have known what was in the fridge that was locked?

I don't want to seem like I have nothing positive to say but really, it started out promising and just deteriorated. I wouldn't even say it was better than the first two in reality, it seemed cheesy in parts and an extremely random instalment. Overall, my advice would be watch it for the experience.
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