Offbeat and Hilarious 1977 Time Capsule
20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
People who read my reviews know that I generally despise 1970s television. From stupid sitcoms to paint-by-the-numbers cop/PI shows, the 1970s represented a vast wasteland to me. Once in a great while, something really different and good would come along, and "Fernwood 2Night" was one of those rare "somethings".

The premise was a typical talk show but the location was the fictional town of Fernwood, Ohio. Insufferably self-righteous Barth Gimble (Martin Mull) and his impossibly clueless sidekick Jerry Hubbard (Fred Willard) interviewed many small-town characters over the summer of 1977. "Happy" Kyne (the deadpan Frank DeVol) and the Mirthmakers provided the show's often strange music. The humor was dry and sharp, Mull and Willard were perfect for their roles, and the writing was very, very good. Like most good shows, the viewer had to pay attention in order to really appreciate the offbeat humor, and doing so paid off handsomely. I looked forward to every 30-minute episode at 10:30 each night and I had to pay close attention, since VCRs were not yet in general use.

In 1978 the show was moved to California, renamed "America 2Night" and featured numerous celebrity guest stars, which to me really diminished its appeal. What's astonishing is that Mull is now 70 and Willard is 80...but to me their finest hours were way back in 1977. Catch an old episode if you are feeling nostalgic or if you really need a laugh.

PS--If you're looking for this show, please be advised to seek out the original 1977 shows. The early 1990s Nick at Nite rerun episodes were cut by about 20% to cram in more commercials. Despicable but true.
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