Dark Touch (2013)
Writing and plot Jumped the shark at the end, sorry I wasted my time
12 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Great atmosphere and mood. Held my interest for most of the film till the end and then it just lost all associations with a plot.

Spoilers####### I love a good psychological mystery but I also like some answers. This movie promised the first but did not deliver on the second. If you want resolution of any kind do not watch this film. Why kill the kids, why kill the foster parents, why not kill the other 2 kids at the end, why the girl dying of cancer, why the blood in the eyes, and the list goes on. I'm a smart fella and I can usually piece a film together but not this one. And that really disappoints. To take a emotional loaded topic like child abuse and spin it in totally non associated tangents is in poor taste and screams exploitation. The director had a chance and a good setting to maybe shed a different light on the subject but she failed.
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