Real Scares and good ideas at work!
23 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Cameron Lansing (Curtis) is a 10 year old boy with psychic abilities. His father Owen (Hunter) and a colleague (Chuck McCann) accidentally has Cameron bring to life an ancient demon from the depths of hell who lurks in the boys closet. The evil force causes Owen to fall off a ladder and be graphically decapitated in a great early scene. Cameron moves in with his mom (Kim Lankford) and her bully boyfriend (Gary Hudson) who is killed by the beast in the closet by having his eyes blown out and tossed out the boys window. Detective Sam Taliaferrro (Smith) and cop shrink DR. Nora Halley (Harris) get brought in to investigate. Cameron's uncle and Sam's partner are also killed by the demon and Sam and Cameron join forces to stop the evil. This movie is an above average supernatural chiller from screen Writer Gary Brandner (from his novel) and Director Armand Mastroianni, Mastroianni delivers several nice shocks along with a few good seat rocking jolts throughout the running time which keeps the audience off guard as to when the next one is coming. The interesting plot is handled well along with some inspired gore moments makes this a nice mix. The main demon was designed by Carlo Rambaldi and looks good when it is shown in quick flashes and surprise moments, but looks rather fake and unconvincing the more you see it. Scott Curtis in the lead role of Cameron turns in a very natural and believable performance which helps the overall film. On the down side; there are too many dream sequences (thank the late 1980's "A Nightmare on Elm Street" influence for this) and the ending is nothing special either. There are still plenty of real scares and good ideas at work here making this worth seeking out.
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