Pryor can't help himself
1 March 2014
Republic Pictures released Sitting On The Moon in 1936 and it serves as a nice vehicle for stars Roger Pryor and Grace Bradley. Pryor is a composer of note and Bradley is a movie star of musical pictures whose been blacklisted around the town. Seems as though she committed Hollywood's unpardonable sin by walking out on a picture. But she still can sing and Pryor wants to help.

But it turns out he needs the help as he may be just slightly married. When the film opens a barely conscious Pryor is dropped off in the company of a beautiful blond in Joyce Compton by taxi driver George Cooper. Pryor was really hitting it last night and can't remember a thing. Later on Compton shows up to remind them they went to Mexico and got married. Then she proceeds to bleed him dry for 'support', make that 'hush money'.

Of course it all works out though nature and the plot do take an interesting roundabout view.

For a film from Republic it's not bad, but it could have used better production values and a better score.
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