The Partridge Family: This Is My Song (1970)
Season 1, Episode 11
Whose song is it?
3 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"This is My Song" is unusual for a first season episode in that there are no guest stars, a completely family-oriented story. Keith is the group's main songwriter, lately going through a dry spell, so naturally Danny decides he will start to contribute his own songs. The problem is that Danny starts out rewriting movie themes, until his latest attempt is one that Keith insists is his own. As it turns out, while Keith has been working out the chords in his room each night, the slumbering Danny could hear everything in the next room, practically 'dreaming' up the song, with Keith graciously giving his little brother credit for improving it. What makes no sense at all is the choice of song, the tender ballad "To Be Lovers" (from THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY ALBUM), composed by Mark Charron, the subject matter completely over the head of a 10 year old boy (surely a nice rocker would have been more appropriate!). Featuring Shirley Jones and not David Cassidy, it's clearly one of the earliest recordings ('this is what it's like to be lovers when you're not in love'). There's also a little in-joke about Rodgers and Hammerstein, who composed Shirley Jones' actual breakout hit "Oklahoma!" She casually mentions the duo to Danny: "a couple of songwriters from the Dark Ages, you know, when I was a girl!" One final trivia note: this is the first mention of Bonnie Kleinschmidt, Reuben's off and on stewardess girlfriend, who appeared in four episodes as played by Elaine Giftos.
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