Pacific Rim (2013)
Ridiculous premise ... great movie
4 March 2014
Channel some transformers, Godzilla, aliens, a little of The Core, or Journey to the Center of the Earth ... you're going to please a certain audience. Add really good production values and Idris Elba, you please some more. Charlie Hunnam ... 'nouf said. Oh, girls ... Charlie goes shirtless; go get 'im. Oh, the review wasn't long enough; I'm supposed to say some more. Okay, I mean, kind of a spoiler if you're like me and like to go into a movie completely sight-unseen: we're dealing with huge creatures from under the sea who are essentially aliens. Oh, and we're going to do it with what are essentially robots that are about the same size and don't get all seized up when you drop 'em in water. Plus, when they walk in the water, there never seems to be a sudden drop-off that means the bottom drops out from under them. You just have to accept all that. But, a testament to the effectiveness of the movie ... you will. Oh, object lesson: don't be cocky.
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