Very Creepy
12 March 2014
A TV production team decide to make a show featuring the paranormal . Knowing of a disused lunatic asylum with a reputation for hauntings they decide to visit there one night and investigate . Not taking anything seriously they explore the asylum but hear noises and begin to wonder if they might have made a mistake visiting the place

Yet another lost footage film and the hoary old criticism of when you've seen one of these movies you've seen them all comes in to play . That said GRAVE ENCOUNTERS plays the formula very very well and I'm probably not alone in stating that this is the best movie in its sub-genre . Before watching it I had a quick glance on this page and did find a lot of comments with adjective phrases like " I was terrified " and " Me and my friends had to switch the lights back on halfway through " and " I literally jumped out my seat " and my cynical response was yeah of course you did , so I put the lights out , put my headphones on and watched it on my laptop . It says something of its quality that several times while watching GRAVE ENCOUNTERS I was very tempted to put the lights back on and I too literally jumped out of my seat

Okay let's be honest . Having some characters walk around the dark using night vision and having loud sounds coupled with shock horror imagery appear from nowhere is a very cheap trick but the startle moments are very effectively done . . If there's any problem with the movie it's like all lost footage films where it takes a long while for things to get going . That said even at the start of the film there's an element of satire where the production team bribe someone to lie that they saw a ghost and bring in an actor claiming to be a psychic so the innuendo that all these paranormal shows like FACT OR FAKED are fraudulent are at the very least embellished or exaggerated is much appreciated by me . It also contains a good structure and tonal shift where the terror builds up slowly and while like other similar films the build up is a little bit slow once the horror element kicks off it is very compelling and superior to its peers
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