Should Have Been More Dead Pan
12 March 2014
You remember THE PURGE from last year ? What do you mean " I didn't bother wasting the price of a cinema ticket on it either Theo ? " . Maybe a good decision because while everyone who saw it raved what a sharp idea for a premise the film itself sucked . This short film is an unofficial sequel and one wonders if the production team might have got in to copyright trouble . That said it is a comedy and it's not like anyone was ripping anyone else off and looking to make a profit at the box office so we can ignore copyright problems . The problem might be the way this short plays out

Comedy is a subjective thing . What might have one person rolling on the ground in fits of laughter may leave their companion totally stone faced . I often think the most humorous moments in life are something that are blatantly funny and are delivered in morose straight faced tones . I'm thinking of Dubya giving a Bush-ism or the great Christopher Hitchens giving a Hitch-slap . Here in THE PURGE: THE MORNING AFTER the cast are trying a little bit too hard to tickle our funny bone and becomes a bit too slightly farcical for my taste and borders on full blown surrealism at one point when I would have preferred things executed in a more dark manner . That said it's only six minutes long and finishes at just the right point
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