Hide-Out (1934)
La-La Land of Milk and Cherries
11 April 2014
Light and Breezy Depression Era Escapism. About as Inoffensive as a Movie can be. Everything is Pleasant and Pleasing to the Eye. Robert Montgomery and Maureen O' Sullivan are Pretty People in a Pretty Picture that Hardly Moves, it just sort of says OK Pretty People Do this and Do that and the Audience will Enjoy the Beauty.

There is Never a Hint at Life on the Farm being Hard or Dirty ("We have more eggs than we know what to do with."). That seems like an Odd Line in a Depression where there were Food Lines and about a Quarter of the Population didn't know where their next Meal was coming from. But MGM would Argue that is the Point. This is Fantasy.

So Folks Paid Their Money and were Transported to some kind of Otherland where Everyone was Sweet, Attractive, and Life was Easy. The Only Time this Fairy Tale broke its Spell and Showed Anything Resembling Real Life was at a Dinner where Everyone was Guessing what was on the Menu.
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