WWE Money in the Bank (2011 TV Special)
Excellent PPV
12 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely the PPV of 2011 was money in the Bank. Why? Easy. CM Punk. Looking back at it now, CM Punk brought back the attitude era feel to the new PG WWE. It's unfortunate that WWE Booking and story writing messed up what could have been a return to the attitude era.

1. Smackdown money in the bank ladder match 9/10

Very good match due to it's fast past and good use of the ladders. Kane and Wade Barrett showed a lot of strength dominance during the matchwhile the high flyers kept the action exciting. Daniel Bryan, Gabriel and Sin Cara did a lot of crazy high flying stunts. Only useless person was Heath Slater. He had limited offense. Couple of great sick spots involving ladders.

2. Divas Match Kelly Kelly v. Brie Bella 1/10

Standard Divas match. Kelly Kelly isn't one of the best wrestlers in the company. The storyline was pretty cheap. Mostly just bantering about Kelly Kelly's looks "She was airbrushed in her photos" Lame. Lots of holds by brie bella. Lame. Crowd was not into this match at all. I know the match was short but it felt long, dragged on and was not exciting. Skip.

3. Raw money in the bank ladder match 7/10

Solid follow up to smack down money in the bank ladder match but didn't have the same flare. Crazy move by Evan Bourne. This match had a lot more high flyers than smackdown but seems like there was more spots in the smackdown ladder match. For some reason people were really booing Rey mysterio. Not sure at what point people got tired of Rey mysterio.

4. Christian v. Randy Orton World Heavyweight Championship 7/10

Orton always worked better as a heel than a face and this feud went on for about 4 months. Little too long to have single matches at 3 strait PPVs between these two. Match started slow but slowly became much better as the match progressed. Crowd was solely behind Christian. Somewhat expected ending but Ortons actions afterwards were a shocker.

5. CM Punk v. John Cena 10/10

Match of the year. The storyline, the crowd, the match was epic. Again, started slow but quickly picked up. Ending was unexpected and easily the biggest stunner of the last 4 years. Very similar to ECW one night stand in 2006. Must see.

Overall this PPV was good mostly due to the CM punk Cena match but the Christian Orton match and both ladder matches were solid as well. Only crap match was the Divas match.
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