A Landmark in the World of Animation. An Essential Treasure of World Cinema.
3 May 2014
This was just... Wow. I'm still mesmerized by the incredibly dense cinematic experience this anime provided from start to finish & I'm still collecting my thoughts on it. Because Hayao Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke isn't just one of the strongest feature films put out by the artistic filmmaker or Studio Ghibli as a whole but is a landmark in the world of animation whose quality story, thematic elements & breathtaking on-screen execution makes regular animated flicks look like the works of amateurs.

A period drama infused with elements of fantasy & set in early centuries of Japan, Princess Mononoke tells the tale of Ashitaka; a young prince who after saving his village from a rampaging boar-god/demon is stricken by a deadly curse & journeys to the forest of the West looking for an answer, only to find himself involved in the struggle between the supernatural guardians of the forest & the humans who are consuming its resources.

The title refers to a young girl who was raised by the wolf-goddess & has a strong hatred for mankind. Written & directed by Hayao Miyazaki, Princess Mononoke is arguably the creative height of his illustrious film career & presents him in complete control of his craftsmanship. The 2D animation is absolutely dazzling, the supernatural creatures as well as forests are vividly imagined, the voice actors have done a fab job & music elegantly moves its story forward.

The main theme this film deals with is the effects of industrialization on nature, deforestation & how it affects the species who've inhabited these places long before man's greed laid its eyes on their lands. On an overall scale, Princess Mononoke is an expertly crafted, deftly envisioned, gorgeously photographed, swiftly paced & masterfully composed work of art & entertainment which transcends the confines of animation with its complex story, strong characterization, adult themes & makes its statement heard rousingly clear.

A standard of 2D animation, a treasure of world cinema, and arguably the pinnacle of Studio Ghibli's creativity, Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime) is strongly, extremely & one hundred percent recommended to each & every film lover around the world.
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