3 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off the scientist was not crazed as it states in the lead in. Doctor Ulof is being forced to do the bidding of a Major Krenner. Krenner is holding Ulof's young daughter locked in a room. Krenner is threatening to kill the girl if Ulof does not cooperate and conduct the experiments. Krenner springs Joey Faust, a well known safe cracker, from prison. Joey is needed to get Krenner the things he needs. Joey is turned invisible and robs a depository of a nuclear material called X13 to facilitate the experiments. Krenner forces Ulof to use the new stuff on Joey. Invisible Joey goes to rob a bank and turns visible and then invisible. He is recognized so the jig is coming to a climax. Returning to the decrepit hide out Joey finds out he has maybe a month to live. So he goes up to the lab, fights it out with Krenner, and they get blown up in a nuke blast. So the world is saved from an army of invisible soldiers which was Krenner's ultimate goal.
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