Review of Son of God

Son of God (2014)
Merely "okay" on its own. A disappointment if you have seen Passion of the Christ
18 May 2014
This film will inevitably get compared to Mel Gibson's brilliant and moving Passion of the Christ. I myself find it nearly impossible to judge it on its own merits. Jesus is portrayed in another big budget motion picture, this time showing a "greatest hits" of events in his life. Some cohesion is lost in the process. Satan is nowhere to be found. Pilate is portrayed as more cruel but with a certain calculation to administering his law. The special effects range from excellent to phony (the cityscape of Jerusalem being the most laughable). The acting ranges from pretty okay to bland, Caiaphas and Roma Downey's Mary being the most unbelievable. For those of the Catholic persuasion, there are elements to the walk to Golgotha that are unique to the Roman church.

For those who have little Christian background and who have not studied film, this film can be an excellent way to visually introduce the life of Jesus. We just got from taking several youth to see it, mostly non-Christians, and it made an impression on most. So, there is a certain emotive power the film can have. But if you know the life of Jesus well, you will find things to nitpick about. While the film does do a good job of following the Biblical narrative, the beauty of the Biblical narrative is dumbed down in a sea of special effects, simplified dialogue, and adding unnecessary background story. There is also one random part added in that could undermine the message of the film. Jesus praying in Gethsemane is intercut with the high priests praying in the temple and Pilot and his wife praying to their ancestors. It is completely unclear why the filmmakers added that part. If their intention was to show how all religions are equally true, then the filmmakers should do some repenting on their part, as that was not Jesus' message at all. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Curiously enough, that second part of the quote is left out of the film.

And if Passion of the Christ rocked your world, you will be sorely disappointed in this film. Everything about the Gibson film, from the effects, to the acting, to the pacing, to the use of ancient Aramaic and Latin is far superior to Son Of God. And Son Of God can't help but borrow some of what made Mel Gibson's film so powerful, but it comes across as a poor imitation. Jesus is so gentle in Son Of God that most of the fire is lost from Him. Here is the main difference: I was deeply and cathartically immersed in the world of Passion of the Christ whereas Son Of God made me feel like watching a well done High School drama production of Jesus' life.
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