Dull, shoddy and confused
31 May 2014
A radio singing star suddenly takes a "vacation" without explanation, and cuts herself off from everybody. Her radio station hires a detective agency to find out what's going on, and the agency sends a female detective to work the case, but when the "star" is killed, the detective winds up being charged with her murder.

This is a very low-buck effort put out by very low-buck producer Willis Kent. Production values are chintzy in the extreme, with poor photography, tinny and unsteady sound and extremely choppy editing. The plot is overly complicated, the dialog is lame and the acting is just awful, although attractive Claudia Dell as the detective gives it her best shot and does have her moments. Director Dorothy Davenport didn't have much to work with in front of and behind the camera, and she didn't do much with them. Very poor effort all around. Don't bother with it.
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