The Bourne Identity meets Oldboy type of ripoff gone bad
7 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a disjointed mess of a movie, it's this bad type of story telling that is like 'connecting the dots'... Like they wrote on paper list of plot points they would like to have in the movie and then wrote some story to join it together. At first it starts as Bourne Identity/Leon ripoff, then it goes into classic revenge tale of a cop who's child was a drug victim, so he joins main protagonist to hunt criminal mastermind using unusual methods... And then it goes for the Memento/Oldboy kind of third act with a huge twist that will leave you in awe (sarcasm sign)... This movie steals from all over the place... Not to say that you can't make a good movie sticking to genre conventions, Tarantino made a career for himself by referencing and ripping off other people... But usually it's expected that you throw some of your own touches into the mix, and it also doesn't hurt to be little self aware. This movie takes it self way too seriously! So seriously that by the third act it's laughably bad.

But maybe it's not fair to label it as a bad movie just because it steals every psychological thriller ever made, so let's deconstruct it's level of badness. Execution is really bad... And don't say how i'm nitpicking, because if you have the money to get all of those locations equipment etc. It wouldn't hurt if you knew how to choreographed and shoot action. Other than that one shitty scene where Nikola Kojo breaks this one guys nose (they would cut after every punch to a same shot, only different take... why, only god knows), there isn't that may opportunities to show how bad at it they actually are at it but the last big showdown shitty as hell in those terms. From continuity errors to errors of logical kind... Nikola Kojo is trying to give it his best, and he is... He's trying to give some sort of depth to a shallow character but he is just plain overacting. And really, are you gonna cast Dragan Petrovic in that role, by the minute you see him on the screen you know that something's not right with him... it's his typical role... Jut like Nikola Kojo is here in his almost typical role... Maja Karan plays only one role ever, she's always the same and it's no exception here. Almost everyone is playing their typical character here, everything about this movie says that it's a movie made by committee. it's really a shame that in Serbia only small group of people get to decide on that projects should money be spent and that they always give it to the untalented people with no vision or artistic expression. Cinemas today are filled with movies that feel like they have been made by a machine that's just trimming out same product one after another... How good is that product is equivalent to the taste of a cake you by in a supermarket...Tasteless... And this one is like it too, only this one feels like it's been made by a in development version of that machine... Go watch any of the movies I mentioned above, I wouldn't say that those movies are masterpieces but at least they're not pretending they're something they're not. This movie begs you to associate it with modern Hollywood type of action thrillers, and I'm not buying it.
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